We believe that investing in yourself always pays off.
Training and events designed to add value to your life
Regular Monthly Events
Ignite Your Success – Free
2nd Monday of every month at 1pm & 8pm ET
In this 90-minute interactive experience, discover the beliefs, habits, and unconscious fears that have been holding you back from creating huge success in your life. Then have your mindset shifted right in the workshop to ignite new and better successes in your life. This is a transformational workshop in which many people have seen changes in as little as FIVE minutes.

Refuel Your Ambitions – $500 USD
1st Friday of every month 1pm-4pm ET
In this workshop, you will learn techniques to refuel your confidence, reenergize your body, and reignite your passion for your business. Working directly with attendees, Reality Shifting Specialist, Shiraz, will unlock the hidden stores of ambition in you and show you how you can speed up your business growth, slow down the activities you do, and transform the way you show up in your business. Attendees of these workshops have seen results within days of the workshop. Come out and Refuel Your Ambitions.

Upcoming Events
Why you should attend any summit I speak in:
Did you notice that Refuel Your Ambitions is $500 USD? It’s a powerful workshop and and people have seen big changes in their lives after attending.
Nevertheless, when I speak in a summit, I always add Refuel Your Ambitions to the VIP gift pack and that gift pack is typically $47-$97 when you buy your tickets before the event starts.
Therefore, if you buy a VIP ticket for a summit I do each month, you can keep attending Refuel Your Ambitions at a discounted rate AND you get everything else in the VIP package from the other speakers as well! That’s an amazing investment in yourself!
But there’s more: Attend 10 Refuel Your Ambitions workshops through summit VIP tickets and earn a FREE ticket to a 2-Day Deep Dive Class! ($2000 value) What will it be? The money class? The relationship class? The health class? The manifestation class? Play the game. Earn the prizes!
Energetic Magic: Level 1
Virtual Workshop
Would you like to remove the blocks of your clients so they get better results faster?
Would you like to tap into your intuition to guide you to greater success?
Would you like to manipulate the flow of reality around you?
In this class you will learn a powerful technique that has been described as magic long before it got its name. In just 2 days you’ll learn the basics and be able to shift the beliefs of other attendees to break them free of their limitations.
Tap into magic. Some call it universal or source energy. Some call it God or divine energy. It’s been talked about and worked with for thousands of years and now science has gotten to the point, through quantum physics, where tests are confirming what many have been saying: We are all connected by this energy and we all affect it. Tapping into that energy allows me to perform what I call Energetic Magic, and now I have made this method of actually editing your reality available to you.
Level 1
You will learn:
– How spiritual energy works and affects us every day
– The “must do”s for growth and potency
– To use intuition for guidance and to detect truths
– To get in touch with Pure Source/Universal/Quantum/God energy (however your philosophy describes it)
– To create and manipulate simple energetic constructs
– To react and respond to other people’s energy
– To protect yourself from other people’s energy
– To play harmoniously with another’s energy
– To perceive energy in other people for information or clearing
– To integrate the techniques you learn with other modalities and your daily life
Are you ready?
It’s transformational. And it will change your life. Every person who has attended this class has had big realizations and multiple shifts in their beliefs during the class. While learning, you will release old belief patterns and come out of the class a different person. I look forward to sharing this powerful technique with you and watching your transformation.
Register here!
Energetic Magic Level 1
Virtual Workshop
Would you like to remove the blocks of your clients so they get better results faster?
Would you like to tap into your intuition to guide you to greater success?
Would you like to manipulate the flow of reality around you?
In this class you will learn a powerful technique that has been described as magic long before it got its name. In just 2 days you’ll learn the basics and be able to shift the beliefs of other attendees to break them free of their limitations.
Tap into magic. Some call it universal or source energy. Some call it God or divine energy. It’s been talked about and worked with for thousands of years and now science has gotten to the point, through quantum physics, where tests are confirming what many have been saying: We are all connected by this energy and we all affect it. Tapping into that energy allows me to perform what I call Energetic Magic, and now I have made this method of actually editing your reality available to you.
Level 1
You will learn:
– How spiritual energy works and affects us every day
– The “must do”s for growth and potency
– To use intuition for guidance and to detect truths
– To get in touch with Pure Source/Universal/Quantum/God energy (however your philosophy describes it)
– To create and manipulate simple energetic constructs
– To react and respond to other people’s energy
– To protect yourself from other people’s energy
– To play harmoniously with another’s energy
– To perceive energy in other people for information or clearing
– To integrate the techniques you learn with other modalities and your daily life
Are you ready?
It’s transformational. And it will change your life. Every person who has attended this class has had big realizations and multiple shifts in their beliefs during the class. While learning, you will release old belief patterns and come out of the class a different person. I look forward to sharing this powerful technique with you and watching your transformation.
Register here!