With the right support, your success is guaranteed.

Become the Author of Your Reality.

Reality interventionist? Whaaa?

Step out of common beliefs

Have you been taught:

  • You have to work hard to succeed.
  • With great power comes great responsibility.
  • It’s better to put others before yourself.
  • Success comes at a price.
  • It’s lonely at the top.
  • No pain, no gain.
  • It’s unfair for some to have so much while others struggle.

Did you know that these beliefs, as noble as some may seem, affect your unconscious mind in ways you don’t expect? They actually limit your income, your success, your happiness as well as your ability to help others.

Furthermore, you’re addicted the feeling you get for working hard, being responsible, and sacrificing for others. That results in stress, lack, frustration, and often illness.

A reality interventionist will help you to step out of these (and more) stories to create more joy and abundance, deeper relationships, and greater results.


Reality Addiction

If you’ve been trying your hardest to create success and only seen glimpses of the life you desire, you are most likely addicted to your current circumstances without knowing it. Because of this when you create better results, your mind AND body go into withdrawal and pull you back to where you started.

With Reality Intervention, your withdrawal is addressed and eliminated so you get bigger results that stick while feeling happier and freer. Your anxieties and frustrations are reduced or eliminated. And the results of your clients improve as well.

Isn’t that what you want for your business?

I’ll answer that for you. Yes, it is.



Monthly Magic Program

If you need guidance to create more happiness, success, and magic in your personal life, this is the program for you; the perfect way to start your journey to a new reality.

With multiple opportunities to shift your beliefs each month, you’ll experience continuous change in your money and success realities as well as improvements in health, relationships, confidence, and more.

Business Magic

If you would like to make more money & have more joy in your business while being supported by a heart-centred community, Business Magic is ideal for you.

This powerful program will accelerate your success, amplify your impact, augment your income.

Adding Energetic Magic to the mix creates quantum shifts in your reality.

Million-Dollar Impact Makers

If you’re a woman coach who is sick and tired of yo-yo income, Million-Dollar Impact Makers is your ticket to a Seven-Figure business.

Done with inconsistent income? Still doing tasks you don’t want to? Want to go  to SEVEN-FIGURES in 2 years or less while having a greater impact on your clients? Apply to be a part of this exclusive program. Only 12 applicants are accepted each quarter. You need to apply to get in.

Energetic Magic Certification

Apply to be in our Energetic Magic Certification program where you will learn to shift reality for your clients and your loved ones. If your mission is to impact people in a positive way then this program is for you.

You will learn valuable techniques in belief shifting and reality intervention as you become more confident, understanding, and peaceful while, at the same time, you become less reactive, judgemental, and worried.

Energetic Magic complements all types of coaching as well as energy healing.

Add Energetic Magic to Your Business for Bigger Results.

We are available to partner with you in your business to improve the results you get with your clients. You can also train to become an Energetic Magic Certified Practitioner.

For the first time in my life I felt valued and loved. To this day my decisions and actions are not based on what others think of me. I would highly recommend taking the deep dive course. It helped me uncover things I didn’t know were even there. You will be shocked about how little you know yourself!


Security Specialist, Toronto

I’m making double my income and I’m working less.


RMT, Vancouver

The deep dive into my stories to understand their impact and reframing them improves my growth and outlook on life.

The tools and techniques we learned for our daily practice to help me live in joy and harmony are invaluable.


Speaker, Toronto


